Other Birds Fly Further (Introduction)

Steven Chow
2 min readMay 19, 2022

Not a lot of people have biographies written about them. It’s not super surprising given that most people live pretty insignificant lives. Often, people are written about after they die, political figures who managed to affect the lives of their constituents, be it positively or negatively. Some are martyrs who’ve sacrificed their lives fighting for a cause that they thought bigger than themselves.

The ones written whilst the subjects were still alive are far and few between, mostly limited to celebrities and other remarkable people of interest to the public. I guess that makes a bit of sense given how uneventful the experiences an average Joe have during their couple decades on Earth. I’ve heard somewhere that on your deathbed, only a few memories come to mind before you draw your last breath. Imagine, 80 or 90 years of life being condensed into seconds.

Chances are that if you’re reading this, you probably won’t accomplish much at all either. Besides your immediate friends and family, your impact on people will be minimal, not even worth a footnote in the history books of the future. Most likely the only person who gives two shits about what you do in the short time you get is you.

That’s what I think at least, and because I don’t think I’m going to ever be remarkable enough to be remembered by other people, I might as well record a few thoughts for my own enjoyment. Bear in mind, I am not a particularly skilled writer or storyteller, and this is just a little passion project of mine, so don’t come in expecting me to secretly be Mark Twain or something trying to slip some central theme in life. That would probably make an English teacher cream themselves, thus causing me great pain and sadness. There isn’t a message to anyone in this text, so don’t try to read too much into it and just let me indulge in the literary form of jerking myself off.

As you can probably tell, most of this will consist of random tangents. They aren’t all going to be deep or philosophical but I promise I will touch on serious subjects including but not limited to: my childhood, the very low standards I hold for my romantic and platonic relationships, how much I despise John Green, why it’s a good thing that people care more and more about what others perceive of them but less and less about each other, and most likely porn if I have time to get to it.




Steven Chow

Philosophy Student at UCLA. I write about things that interest me.